Monday, January 31, 2011


Giving Your Body What It Needs
The human body is the most incredible machine on the planet. It is designed to heal, grow, and function if you give it what it needs. Most people understand if you do not take in enough vitamins and minerals you will get sick. Different conditions can be the result of being deficient in different nutrients. If you do not get enough sleep most people know that the body will not function properly. People also know that if you take in too much of something you can also get sick. Alcohol, nicotine, sugar, salt, and caffeine are examples of such things.
What many people do not understand is how important the nervous system is. Your brain sends signals down the spinal cord, along nerves, to every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. If you cut the nerve to an area of the body, that area will not function. It is like cutting the power cord to a lamp. If you do this the lamp will not work. Now imagine a lamp with a cord that has been frayed, but not cut in half. The light may still work, but you may end up with a light that gets dimmer and brighter or flickers on and off. No matter what you do to try to correct the problem, change the light bulb, plug it into another outlet, or shake it, the problem will remain. The only way to correct the problem is to make sure the wires are touching and the connection is solid.
Spinal misalignments cause irritation to the nerves. Your organs, tissues, and cells at the end of an irritated nerve will not function properly. If you end up with a health problem because of this, you will look for a cure. No matter how much medication you take it will not correct this problem. It may mask the symptoms for a while, but the only true solution is to remove the irritation or interference. Once this occurs, your miraculous body will function better. It is essential to give the body what it needs in order to heal. In this case, it is less interference.
Could your ongoing health problems be due to interference to your nerves? There is one way to find out.  Stop in to The Joint, We've Got Your Back!

Monday, January 17, 2011

How Healthy Are You?

Imagine we put a pebble in your shoe.  You are not allowed to remove the pebble yourself.  How long do you think it would take before your foot began to bother you?  How about your ankle, your knee, maybe your back? Perhaps you'll even get a headache.  Is it possible that you would be irritable and unable to concentrate?  Perhaps you might snap at your spouse, child, parent, teacher or co-worker.  

Now you can obviously take some painkillers to block the pain for awhile.  You can live and deal with the pin and eventually your body will become numb to the problem and adapt as the body does.  You can go and have a hole cut in your foot for the pebble to fit better.  OR YOU CAN WORK ON THE PROBLEM AND REMOVE THE PEBBLE.  This is what CHIROPRACTIC does.

Now take that same irritation and place it on your nerves.  What effect do you think it would have on your well being?  How would that influence your attitude and state of mind?  How about the rest of your life?  Do you think you would be functioning at 100% ? What effect would this have on your heart, lungs, or body function?  

How healthy are you?