Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sports Performance - A Drug-Free Secret Weapon

Sports Performance - A Drug-Free Secret Weapon

Chiropractic care in relation to sports and athletic performance is a fast growing trend.
Today, just about every professional ream has a Chiropractor on staff. Olympic athletes routinely utilize chiropractic care because it keeps them in top shape – without the use of drugs or other performance enhancing aids. College programs are taking advantage of chiropractic care by placing a D.C. on staff. All of this is even trickling down into the high school level of sports. 
Athletes and Celebrities that have gone on the record with their pro-chiropractic stance include Hall of Famer Joe Montana, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Olympic wrestler Dennis Hall, John McEnroe, Roger Craig, Emmitt Smith, Robert Parish, Scottie Pippen, Cole Hammels, Maurice Jones-Drew and many, many more. Why did they all feel that chiropractic was so beneficial and powerful? Simply put, because it works. It helped them to all perform at their peak levels while competing at the highest levels of their respective sports.
To understand chiropractic, you first need to understand how your body works. What coordinates every function within the body? What is the master control system? The correct answer is your nervous system. Every function of the human body is under control of the nervous system. Its function is to coordinate all the other organs and structures and to relate the individual to his environment. Your BRAIN, SPINE, and SPINAL NERVES make up your body’s MASTER control system. When the nervous system is FREE of all interference, your body can function at its MAXIMUM level. When there is nerve interference in the spine, dis-ease or disharmony occurs.
We know that the body is a self-healing, self regulating organism – with the nervous system functioning as the master control system of the body. If the nervous system is compromised in any way (interfered with) the body cannot function normally. We also know that in order to have maximum Health and Function, you need to have:
  • Plenty of sleep
  • Consistent Exercise
  • A Positive Mental Attitude
  • Excellent Nutrition
  • And Chiropractic
Dr. Seth Sharpless at the University of Colorado showed that the weight of a dime on a nerve alters (brain) impulses by 60%. Pressure on a nerve will severely interfere with your brains ability to communicate with a specific muscle, organ, gland, or system of the body.  90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by movement of the spine. When you consider how many coordinated movements are involved in every sport, its hard to imagine that your brain actually monitors each and every reaction. It needs all of the stimulation and nutrition it can get in order to keep up!
When the spine and nervous system are clear of interference, your body can function at its maximum performance! And that’s why Chiropractic has become and essential part of every major sports team. It’s the NEW drug-free secret weapon! Athletes need every edge they can get. Chiropractic Physicians ADJUST (correct the misalignments) more athletes that ever before. Getting adjusted before every game has become routine for many of today’s “prime time” athletes.
In one study of fifty athletes, 25 received chiropractic care and 25 athletes served as controls. They used 11 separate tests to measure different aspects of athletic ability. After 6 weeks, the Chiropractic group had shown an 18% improvement in eye-hand coordination, while the control group had only shown a 1% response. After 12 weeks, the Chiropractic group had exhibited more than 30% improvement.  The numbers don’t lie, chiropractic care helped to create greater improvement in athletic ability.
Athletes and Chiropractic make the perfect team. Chiropractic Physicians are showing more and more athletes how to increase and improve their athletic performance by keeping their spine and nervous system free of interference.
Whether you are playing sports full time, competing as a weekend warrior or just want to function at your absolute best - good nutrition, plenty of rest, a positive attitude, exercise and Chiropractic care will give you the drug-free edge you need to function at your maximum potential!!!


Friday, July 30, 2010

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are the most common type of primary headaches.  The tension-related pain can exude from the back, neck, eyes, or other muscle groups in the body.  As these types of headaches can be episodic or chronic, and as tension headaches affect approximately 30% of the population, tension headaches can be a troublesome condition for one to have.  However it is important to weigh the benefits of chiropractic care in the discussion of tension headaches, which can help alleviate the condition.
Tension headaches have a varying set of symptoms and timeframe.  The pain experienced can be anywhere from mild to moderately intense.  The pain is normally characterized as a dully, aching head pain which can produce sensations of tightness or pressure on the forehead, sides, or back of the head.  Also, a tension headache can last anywhere from 15 minutes to one week.  If the headaches persist for 15 days in a month for at least three months, they are considered chronic tension headaches.
Tension headaches should not go untreated if they persist.  These types of headaches can become chronic if episodic headaches persist.  Those seeking to obtain relief should consider professional help if these headaches persist and if the body does not respond to home treatments.  
Often chiropractic care can alleviate these pains and provide a quicker and more cost-efficient way of treatment.  Also, mainstream medicine often resorts to expensive drugs and treatments which may not be warranted.  Often these treatments and tests should be considered if a more serious condition is present, which cause tension headaches.
Chiropractic care can be an effective way in treating tension headaches.  Tension headaches can most often be caused by muscular tension and contraction involving the muscles of the shoulders, neck, and head.  Whether as a result of emotion or physical stress, the muscular tension which results from the cause can create steady tension headaches.  Also, changes in posture and movement as a response to these forms of stress can additionally impact the onset of tension headaches.  These factors are key in how chiropractic care can alleviate tension headaches.
Chiropractic care providers are able to combat the muscular tension which often causes tension headaches.  Chiropractic adjustments and other therapies, such as trigger point therapy and massage, are able to break the cyclical nature of muscle tension-related pain.  By realigning the skeleton and releasing muscular tension these physical stressors are reduced so that further pain is not caused and the condition itself is targeted for treatment.  As muscles relax and as nerve irritation is reduced, patients may often find relief with just a few treatments.
Tension headaches can become a cyclical and debilitating condition.  They can also impede the daily functions and overall quality of life for sufferers.  However, sufferers should consider chiropractic care in order to combat the underlying symptoms of tension headaches.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Top Stress Busters

The Top Stress Busters
There are several different types of stress, and learning how to control them can make all the difference. You have physical stress (lack of exercise, illness, sleep habits, etc.), mental stress (how you deal emotionally with life) and chemical stress (nutritional and environmental). Here are a few straightforward ways to help you reduce all three stress factors.

Proper Breathing: Proper breathing has a dramatic impact on muscle relaxation, tension reduction, normalizing heart rate, and increasing mental clarity. What you want to strive for is learning to breathe mostly with your diaphragm instead of your lungs. The diaphragm is the most efficient muscle for breathing. It is a large, dome-shaped muscle located at the base of the lungs. Learning how to breathe with your diaphragm takes some practice, but in time it will become second nature.
Practice the following technique on a daily basis for 5-10 minutes. Lie on your back, putting a pillow or similar support under your knees to relax your lower back. Place one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest. Slowly inhale through your nose and make sure the only hand that moves is the one on your abdomen. Try to keep the hand on your chest as still as possible. Exhale through pursed lips and repeat.

Organization: Are you feeling overwhelmed with so much to do and so little time? Unclutter your life and get organized to take back control. Where do you start? You've got to have a plan. Create a list of the five most important tasks you need to complete for the day. Put the one you want to do the least at the top of the list to help prevent procrastination. It is human nature to delay things that make you feel uncomfortable. By accomplishing the difficult task first you set the tone for positive action and motivation the rest of the day.

Healthy Snacking: Eat healthy and eat often to control blood sugar levels. When you go long periods between meals, a hormone known as insulin spikes. This hormone controls how fast sugar enters your bloodstream after eating. Big surges in insulin occur when you wait too long between meals, which may increase stress on your body chemistry. You can get cravings and mood swings. Eating only three meals a day is insufficient for keeping this delicate balance of hormones in check. It is recommended that in addition to eating three regular meals a day, you mix in 2-3 healthy snacks. You will notice a renewed sense of energy and vitality as you provide your body and mind with the nutrition it needs.

Exercising: Get in shape and get out of stress; now there's a win-win proposition. Find an exercise you truly enjoy doing, not one you dread. Once you make it a part of your daily routine, it will become an integral part of your healthy lifestyle. Strive to get 20 minutes a day of some type of exercise. Walking is a great way to start. Get outside and enjoy the open air while at the same time clearing your mind. It can be an escape from all the chaos in your life. There is nothing like the calming effect of being around Mother Nature. Excess weight is also a stress on your body; regular exercise will help eliminate the pounds, improving your looks, your health and your state of mind.

Finding "Me Time": Take some solo time every morning before you start the day. Use this time to reflect on yesterday and plan out today's events. Set your alarm 15 minutes early and wake up to silence. Do not turn on the television or open the newspaper. You may find that problems which have plagued you suddenly become more manageable and put into perspective. When was the last time you sat in a room without white noise all around? Try it and see what happens. I have a feeling you will find it to be one of the most enjoyable moments of your day.
Try these stress busters for just one month and you can change your life. Even if you can't do all of them, start with a few and see how much less stress you have in your life.