Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Facts About Stress:
· Stress-related disorders are fast becoming the most prevalent reason for worker disability according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
· Job stress and related problems cost American companies an estimated $200 billion or more annually through absenteeism, turnover, accidents, etc.
· The World Health Organization calls job stress a "worldwide epidemic."
· 40 million Americans take antidepressant drugs daily!!!
· After the death of a spouse, the average life span of the surviving spouse is one year.
· Stress destroys the immune system, and ruins health to destroy lives.

Stress Management Techniques

1. In with the Good Air, Out with the Bad
Take a breathing break. Frequent short breaks during the day allow you to breathe deeply and relax your mind, preventing stress build-up.

2. Know the Enemy
What, exactly, is stressing you out? Is it your job? Your home life? Your relationships? Without knowing the root of the problem, you are unlikely to resolve it

3. Move It or Lose It
Begin an exercise program. Exercise helps release endorphins, which relieves stress.

4. Let Go
Recognize the difference between the things you can control and the things you cannot. Make a list of these two categories. Starting today, make a pact with yourself to stop stressing about the things in your job you have no control over.

5. Beware of the To Do List
Take note of all the good work you do and give yourself credit for it. Set short-term goals and allow yourself to take satisfaction in achieving them. Most people have too many long term goals, and have too many things on their minds at the same time.

6. Develop a Tough Skin
Try not to personalize any criticism you receive. Look at negative comments as constructive criticism that allows you to improve your work. “Who cares what other people think?”

7. Share the Load
Delegate or share work whenever possible. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you are the only person who can do the job right. Your coworkers and boss might start to buy into that concept as well.

8. Don’t Make Work a Four Letter Word.
Job stress builds when our minds are constantly focused on work. Strive for balance in your life. Make time for family, friends, hobbies and, most importantly, fun.

9. Get Adjusted.
Your nervous system is how your body deals with stress! The easier it is for your body to deal with stress, the less of a deal it will seem to be!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Part of the reason why you are in this office is to not only help heal your body but also to grow as a person. It is our job to help you do so. The following are some ideas on how to help make your life a more powerful one. These ideas may help you in your business and with your friends, and may also help you with the most important people in your life, your family and you!

Powerful people are those who rapidly put action to ideas. Try something that sounds like it might work and either succeed or fail quickly. If you fail go on to the next thing and it is okay to ask for help.

Power starts in the morning! Clarity of mind is one simple way to boost your productivity and effectiveness. Think about what you will do for the whole day and make a list, prioritizing the things of greatest importance.
Be Grateful! While you are making your list of to dos, also think about the things for which you are grateful. Make a list of these people or things. Somehow committing things to paper solidifies your gratitude.

The source of your power begins with your daily routine! This begins with what you eat, how well you sleep, and includes your daily workout. We all know breakfast is the most important meal, so give your self enough time to eat well. Make sure you are getting adequate sleep so you are fresh for the whole day. Daily workouts are another great way to up your energy. People who are active stay active.

Help others get what they want! Zig Zigler once said that “You can get what you want as long as you help enough people get what they want.” Helping other people is a good idea anyway because it is the right thing to do. It just generally works out that both people benefit. Didn’t we learn this in Kindergarten?

Power is woven into the very fabric of what you believe! If you believe that you will be successful in you endeavors then you will. Unfortunately, vice versa. The shear power of belief in ones self is of much greater importance than the abilities or talents that may be necessary. If you are lacking, try positive affirmations in the A.M. and before you sleep.

Ask and you shall receive! Write down what is that you want in your life or for others and be sure to be specific. It is like making an order. If you like your salad with croutons and dressing on the side you must say so. Need I say more?

Above all, trust in your maker. Realize that you have the power to make your life happen!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Are You Jumping Off a Building?

A man jumps off a high rise building and as he passes each window he looks inside, waves, and says, “I feel great and am doing fine so far!”

(Of course the problem starts with the quick stop at the end!)

The real Problem begins with believing that how we FEEL is a good measure of how healthy we are! What are we doing that is killing us on the inside?

Think about this for a moment, really think about it. The next time you wake up in the morning feeling yucky, with a fever or a runny nose, or you vomit, think about why! Next time you have a hangover or a headache think about the cause. And the very next time someone passes away because of cancer or has a “sudden” heart attack, think about how they were feeling 2 or 3 years ago. Your body is extremely intelligent, are you?

FEVERs are a very important immune function. They are a safe way that the body can kill viruses or bacteria that have attacked your health. To take Aspirin to lower this function is to allow an infection a better chance to attack your body!

A RUNNY NOSE is merely a defense from allergens, bacteria, and viruses outside the body. Mucus keeps these things from entering your lungs, thus the body. To take an antihistamine is to rob the body of its defense system, lowering your immunity, and allows viruses, bacteria and allergens a great chance to enter your body!

VOMITTING allows your body to rid itself contents which are harmful, and would do more damage to you if digested further. Your internal protection!
These are just 3 examples of feeling horrible despite a healthy reaction!

HANGOVER’S & HEADACHES are not due to a lack of a pain killer. Sometimes it is because you are dehydrated! Drink water! And other headaches can be from subluxation, low blood sugar, or withdrawal from caffeine. Fix the problem, not the symptom! Your body tells you when you are doing something wrong!

The AMA tells us that 5 of 6 people will die from Heart Disease or Cancer! These are diseases that rarely exhibit symptoms until it is too late. This means the disease grows within us while we are “feeling fine” for years before it finally kills us. The worst thing is that these are diseases that we give ourselves.

Health is not something you are given or that just happens, you have to earn it. Just because you feel Great doesn’t mean you are healthy! Just because you feel bad doesn’t mean you need a drug! Give your body a chance to heal itself, it is very intelligent!
Choose Health!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Will You Ever Get Sick…???
It was a Monday morning when Tiffany came into the office. Tiffany has been a patient for 8 months and has had miraculous changes in her health and well-being. Just before Tiffany lay down to get adjusted, she complained about how she was struck down Sunday morning with a fever, cough, sneezes, and mild nausea. Tiffany felt as if she had the flu. She looked at me and said, “I am not supposed to get sick. The past 8 months have been the healthiest months of my entire life. Is something wrong? Why is this happening?”
I think Tiffany got two different things confused. You see Tiffany; you are healthier than you have ever been. Your spine has stopped getting worse, crushing your life line and it is actually getting closer to where God made it to be. That is allowing your body to function closer to 100%. However Tiffany, as awesome and healthy as you are feeling and getting, YOU ARE NOT IN HEAVEN YET!
Being healthy DOES NOT mean never having a symptom again. Our healthy bodies are forever changing. Our healthy bodies are forever fighting toxins. Our healthy bodies are forever healing from the everyday physical and mental stresses we encounter. When disease and sickness, harmful toxins, and even viruses, bacteria, and cancers are being killed and/or eliminated by our bodies, this is a process that may be uncomfortable and undesirable. However, it is a healthy response and our bodies know best! You have to let these symptoms occur and especially carry out to optimize your health and well being. You may have a runny nose or an ache here and there. Thank God for it because it just may be millions of cancer cells being eliminated form your body that you would instead have died from.
Being healthy DOES NOT mean never having aches again. I work out at least 5 times a week. Many of you work out at least a few times each week. I see you all in the gym. Those who I don’t see I’m sure you are somewhere exercising. We cannot expect to exercise and lift weights and never feel achy. Exercise is a tearing down and rebuilding process and there are going to be times that it may not “feel” great. But understand that you are growing stronger and gaining life, instead of gaining death.
REMEMBER Tiffany: being healthy has NOTHING to do with how you FEEL. It has EVERYTHING to do with how you HEAL. Never forget that!
THE JOINT...a chiropractic place in Mt. Pleasant 843.654.4540